OneMore Calendar

Sunday, February 19, 2023

6:28 PM

The OneMore Calendar is a separate program accessible from the OneMore main menu. It displays a monthly calendar showing

pages that were created and modified on each day.





  • Click the month/year title to jump to a specific year
  • Click the day number in the month view to jump to the detail view
  • Click a page link to open that page in OneNote
  • Right-click a page to display a thumbnail preview of the page
  • Include or exclude specific notebooks in Settings
  • Optionally display deleted pages
  • Light mode or dark mode



A bell icon is displayed next to pages that have at least one Reminder. This appears in both the month view and the list view.



Keyboard shorcuts

  • Page up (or Ctrl+Left) - show previous month
  • Page down (or Ctrl+Right) - show next month
  • Home - jump to current month
  • Alt+Tab - switch between month view and detail view
  • F5 - refresh the current view



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Created with OneNote.